Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Site Name

The name for the site comes from the insanely mindless movie - Mr. Woodcock - My step daughter (after the fact) said I should have named it "Take a Lap" or my favorite "Set of 10" - other popular lines from the movie. Every once in a while I find I need to escape into pure stupidity - like Will Farrell or Monty Python - not that we don't see enough of it in the classroom - har har.....but if you have a rhetorical question you would like to pose or a venture into the mindless realm we all should try post it here.


This is a trial for the type of blog I am thinking of starting for our SSR program at school. Among enjoying many outdoor activities like frisbee golf, hiking, and biking. I always have to have a book to read. This years bests were for me were: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet, Cane River by Lalita Tidwell, Kite Runner and A Thousand Splended Suns by a guys name I would never dare try to spell. My go to authors are Jodi Picoult, Anita Shrieve, James Pattersons women's murder club series, and Janet Evonivich. If you have read any of the above books please leave your thoughts on it. If you have a must read please leave that too. I am always looking for something good but hate to just peruse as I get overwhelmed with all the choices. If there is a go to author I should add to my list let me know as well....they are the ones I choose from when I don't have a word of mouth book to read.